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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Her Eye-Lids Are Temporarily Gone

C has a milk allergy and now potentially a candy-bar allergy. We took an impromptu trip to the museum today and on the train ride home I thought I'd be a "cool" relaxed mom and decided to share a candy-bar between the 3 of us. You only live once right?

Restaurant NADA! (nothing Spanish)

I have nothing for you this week in terms of restaurant food. My two year old did however have an allergic reaction to a candy bar that we were sharing on the train today : hives, coughing, watery eyes, swollen face. She sort of looks like a puffer-fish with legs... but she is full of energy and giggles ... I am tempted to post a picture but that's a bit mean ...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aunt Rachel's Lasagne

Aunt Rachel is probably one of the most natural cooks I've ever met. She whips up yummy home-made dinners with what appears to be little effort. This is her lasagne recipe which is always a major hit. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Colors and Shapes Landscape

I found this a fun way to reinforce colors and following directions. I cut-out flowers, clouds, green hills. I went first and placed the pieces against a blue background. I then let them have a go, asking them to do as I had. Well done girls! 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Apple & Pear Strudel (Easy)

You can easily buy your own pre-made strudels, but making these easy little strudels will get you tons of compliments to lift your self-esteem. This recipe makes 6 servings, takes about 10 minutes of preparation and 15 - 20 minutes oven time.