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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dry-Cleaning Anyone?

I went to the dry cleaners today. I only go about once a year, and secretly, I really enjoy it. I feel like a lavish spender, owning clothes that can only be cleaned using some magic formula behind a counter. I wonder how it is done?
As I approached the dry-cleaners, a man coming from the opposite direction, carrying a gym bag, beat me to the door. I stood there, behind him, waiting, hand in hand with C who was in awe of the drying machines going round and round. He then proceeded to remove 11 collared shirts from the gym bag for "dry-cleaning." The lady at the counter seemed to know him as a "regular." I could not help but be surprised at the number of shirts he was dropping off. What was more peculiar was that he then proceeded to walk around the racks of already "dry-cleaned" shirts, pulling off 17 of them, apparently his as well. So this man owns at least 28 collared shirts. That's alot of shirts! 

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