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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Diet & My Hoo Rag

I’ve been running 20 miles a week for the last month and tracking my calories using MyFitnessPal on my iPhone. In five weeks I have lost 6.6 pounds (3 kilos). I’ve taken to running, even in freezing temperatures, snow and rain.

The exercise is fun but the dieting is difficult and I often find that I am hungry when I go to bed. I hate the feeling of self-deprivation but my biggest frustration comes from the realization that the weight does not fall off as easily as it did when I was in my 20’s.

Hungry and brushing my hair before bedtime I found a very long gray hair and after careful inspection found another ten (sigh), another reminder that I am ageing  Against my better judgement I pulled them all out and am eagerly awaiting my hair appointment where I will be getting golden highlights.  

Morale is low, very low, incredibly low but I am going to stick with it another 8 weeks ... 

On the plus side, I've fallen in love with my Hoorag and so has H. It is a seamless bandanna  that I've taken to wearing to keep my head warm while running, as a scarf, as a hair accessory and to keep my hair back while I am cooking. H has stolen my pink one and uses it as a balaclava while cycling into work. They are quite handy and customizable. As soon as I get my c&c logo sorted I might order some personalized ones. 

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