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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Monday, March 18, 2013

Peanut Butter Brownies

This Mother's Day in the UK, instead of buying gifts, the girls made brownies for Granny and Auntie. This was an easy recipe to do with the girls. I did all of the heating up and they did all of the pouring, mixing & adding. The best part was how excited they were to give the gifts away once completed. The time for our guests to arrive couldn't come soon enough and jackets were barely off before they were each shoving a box in someone's face. As for the brownies they are lovely with a perfect flaky crust. Just as brownies ought to be.

175 grams (6oz or 3/4 cups) butter plus more for greasing
125g (4oz or 1/2 cups) dark chocolate chopped
175g (6oz or 3/4 cups) light brown sugar
2 medium eggs
125 grams (1 cup) plain flour
25 grams (1oz or 1/4 cup) cocoa powder

For the peanut butter marble
25 grams (1oz or 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter, melted
40 grams icing sugar (1.25 oz or 1/3 cups) sifted
100g (3.5 oz or 1/2 cup) smooth peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 180 C (160 fan or 350F). Grease & line an 8inch (20.5cm) square tin with baking paper. I used a 9 inch round spring-form because I do not own a square tin.

2. Melt the butter & chocolate on low heat stirring frequently until well combined and smooth. Take off heat and stir in sugar and eggs. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder and mix with spoon to combine. Set aside.

3. In a medium bowl mix the ingredients for the peanut butter marble: butter, icing sugar, peanut butter and vanilla extract.

4. Spoon 1/3 of the chocolate mixture into the tin and smooth out to level with the back of a spoon. Dollop over a few spoonfuls of the peanut marble mixture. Top with the remaining chocolate mixture and spread to level. Drop more spoonfuls of the peanut butter mixture on top. Tap the tin firmly down to release air bubbles.

5. Bake for 30 - 35 minutes until a solid crust has formed.

6. Let it cool completely before taking it out of the tin.

1 comment:

  1. We have been talking about Father's Day and what to do for the man who has everything. I bet he would love a pan of peanut butter brownies, thanks so so much.
