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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jewelry Tree by Me

The current theme of my life is about re-invention and streamlining, which also means streamlining all of the bits in my life. I never wear any of my fashion or statement jewelry but whenever I am out I wish I would have remembered to put some on. The reason is that while I only have a few pieces, those pieces I own are put away in a very untidy and chaotic manner. I don't even know what I own. As I was clearing out my clothes for donating, I decided enough is enough and set out to tackle the beast. Seen below.

I ran into the garage and found the following items not being used. The lamp doesn't work and the four candle holders I stopped using because I don't like using candles in the house when there are babies around.

I just used string, a needle, buttons, scissors and started decorating the lamp. I wanted to get tons of little areas to stick things on or loop things around. I was not sure where I was going with it and I was prepared to toss it if I failed. But I am very pleased with the result. The best part, it cost me nothing.


  1. You are so creative! Love the jewelry tree and the whole display. :)

  2. what a cute idea using an old lamp! i have a huge challenge organizing my jewelry as well. great job!

    love kelly
    click here to enter our giveaway!

  3. That is fun! (Saw your comment on Cupcakes and Cashmere and just had to check out your jewelry tree!)
