Dinner served with string beans, olives and buttered bread |
1lb (500 grams) small chicken fillets (cut into two inch fillets)
1 medium cauliflower cut into medium florets
1 can of chickpeas in water (about 400 grams or 14oz)
1 can of tinned tomatoes (about 400 grams or 14oz)
1/2 diced red onion
olive oil
salt, pepper and other seasoning
1. Heat oven to 375F (190C/170 C fan).
2. Place chickpeas and cauliflower in a large oven proof dish. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, pepper and other seasoning and toss until well mixed and covered. Cook in oven for 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, cook onion in large frying pan with olive oil until onion is translucent (5 minutes). Add chicken and cook on all sides. Do not cook chicken completely through, just make sure the sides are cooked. It is fine if the inside is still raw at this point. Add seasoning to chicken. Mix. Add tinned tomato. Mix well.
4. Increase heat and once the sauce begins to boil, take off of the heat.
5. Once the oven dish has had its 30 minutes remove from oven.
6. Place all pan chicken and tomato mixture into oven dish along with cauliflower and chickpeas. Mix and combine well.
7. Place oven dish back in oven for 15 minutes. Remove and stir then place in the oven again for another 15 minutes.
The chicken should thoroughly be cooked at this point, but always safe to check.
bit of basil |