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caramel & cocoa

Caramel & Cocoa - cooking, parenting, fashion, diy, eating, living, a blog

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sexy and Confident Jeans

I don't own a pair of jeans! Not one! 

My body has gone through so many changes in the last 5 years that I just have not been able to find "the perfect jean." I can't get away with shopping in the "juniors" section any longer and it seems that whenever I buy a pair of jeans, there is something always very wrong with them and that is - I don't actually feel comfortable in them. I do occasionally come across a pair of jeans that make me feel "sexy" when I am in them, but as soon as I bend over my belly hangs out and you get a clear shot of my backside. And gosh am I tired of having to pull them up and adjust constantly. Not Nice! 

Aside from the appalling name, Not Your Daughter's Jeans (NYDJ) seems to tick all of the boxes. I think they are magical because they slim and lift. They have 2% more spandex in them than most jeans, fit high on the waist and are made as a quality product. They are the perfect jean if you want to look well put-together, feel sexy, feel comfortable and look hot! 

I'd recommend these jeans to women of all ages and sizes. I'd also say that you must try them on before purchasing because of the unique fit. Do not buy online before trying on in-store. The only downside to the product is the price but these jeans fit well and are made to last. I bought a pair of Diesel's for 120 last year, that I ended selling on eBay recently because I just could move comfortably in them. 

Not Your Daughter's Jeans (NYDJ) can be found at Nordstrom's in the US and John Lewis in the UK and also at some smaller boutiques. 

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